Books · Top 5 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Sanity Savers/ Things I’m Enjoying While in Isolation

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! This is such a unique prompt and I’m glad that Shanah decided to do it. As someone who has been trying hard to isolate and social distance myself, this is a great one. With that being said, let’s get into the things I’ve been doing to save my sanity. Lol

If you’re interested in participating in Top 5 Tuesday, all you have do is write up your post and pingback to one of Shanah’s posts. Make sure you pingback to her posts and not just her blog so she can add you to the list.

5. Working

Since I work in a grocery store, I’m considered an “essential” employee. With that being said, I haven’t been able to isolate as much. That’s not to say that the coronavirus hasn’t affected how I do my job. Rather than doing everything normally, things have changed a lot and my job is a lot less involved which can make for a slower day. Either way, it’s been a way to pass time lol.

4. Sleeping

When I’m not at work, one of the things I”ve been doing a lot of is sleeping. With how chaotic my job has been, rest has been super important. Lately, that’s all I’ve been wanting to do. Between people coming in to buy TONS of stuff and working mornings more frequently than I used to, I love to sleep in. While I haven’t gotten to sleep in much this week, I love to sleep. Hopefully, by the time this post goes up, I’ll be well-rested but who the heck knows?

3. Coloring

Unrelated to those first two, a thing I’ve actually been doing to keep myself sane is coloring in my adult coloring book. I was skeptical when people mentioned how calm it made them but now I’m a believer. That’s probably why coloring has been such a huge part of my isolation as I’m able to focus on something and shut the world out. It’s just so nice to be able to focus on what I’m doing and not have to worry about anything else. If you haven’t tried it yet and have the time, I’d highly recommend.

2. Listening to audiobooks

I feel like some of my fellow readers can relate to this one. Since I’ve basically only been around my family, I haven’t been talking to a lot of other people. With that being said, I’d really been enjoying audiobooks. For some reason, listening to audiobooks has made me feel so much better. Maybe it’s because someone is reading to me or maybe it’s just a nice change of pace for me. Either way, audiobooks have been a god-sent for me during this time of isolation. No doubt I’ll end up reading more audiobooks this year than any year previous.

1. Watching Netflix

The last thing I’ve been loving while being isolated is watching Netflix. When I’m not reading, I’ve either been writing or watching Netflix. 9 times out of 10, I end up deciding to watch Netflix and lay in my bed. Thus far, I’ve watched Tiger King, Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez and Love Is Blind. They’ve all been super entertaining and as someone who rarely watches Netflix, this is huge for me lol. I’d almost always go with a book but this time, Netflix is getting the job done. 😛

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12 thoughts on “Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Sanity Savers/ Things I’m Enjoying While in Isolation

  1. Since I don’t have work and classes anymore, I’ve been enrolling on a lot of online classes to keep myself busy and give myself a kind of routine haha. I don’t think I am reading more than ever and I do feel like I’m watching Netflix less than before, but I do sleep so much more than normal!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Catching up on all the other T5T posts, better late than never, eh?! 😉
    I’m glad Shanah is doing these topics this month, we all need some happy distractions at the moment. Netflix and listening to audiobooks were both on my list too. I’m enjoying all the extra reading time and love having my family home.
    Stay safe & healthy. x

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