Books · Top 5 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 characters I wouldn’t bring into a haunted house

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! I wish you all an early and hopefully, very exciting Halloween. I don’t know my schedule yet but if all goes to plan, I should at least be able to squeeze in a movie or two. Anyways, I’m getting off subject so let’s get into Top 5 Tuesday and what it’s about.

If you’re interested in participating in Top 5 Tuesday, all you have do is write up your post and pingback to one of Shanah’s posts. Make sure you pingback to her posts and not just her blog so she can add you to the list.

For this prompt, I’m going to include characters from books, movies, and TV so hopefully, Shanah doesn’t mind 🙂


5. Jane from Dread Nation

Dread Nation is a book about a zombie apocalypse and Jane is the main person who kills them or at least, knows how to fight them. That’s why she’d be a horrible person to bring into a haunted house. She’d either try to kill them or injure them very badly. It would be a good thing if you were really scary but not for the person or people acting in the haunted house, lol.

4. Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers

Louise is one of the few characters who rarely ever gets scared. She goes scared in one episode, but that’s it and it took a ton of planning by her family. Going to a haunted house with her would be annoying. She’d call all the scares before you can even see them and make fun of the people in the haunted house. It would not be a fun time at all, lol.


3. Emily from Since You’ve Been Gone

Overall, I like Emily as a character. I think she’s pretty realistic including her fears and insecurities. Her dependence on her friends would make her a terrible choice to go to a haunted house with. She’d be so scared and clinging onto you that you wouldn’t even be able to enjoy yourself. For me, going to a haunted house is all about being scared and having fun with friends but not clinging to them like your life is ending. Hopefully, that makes sense to someone lol.



2. April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation

April Ludgate is definitely a horrible choice to take into a haunted house. Unlike the others on this list, she’d be having way too much fun. She’s into creepy and scary things so it would be amazing for her. Instead of getting scared, she’d just love everything about it and want to go over and over again. Once again, there’s a perfect balance on your enjoyment of a haunted house and hers would be too much for me.


1. Trixie from The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You

If you’ve read this book, then you know why I said this answer. Trixie has a horrible experience in a haunted house and she ends up being rude and punching someone if I remember correctly? That’s the exact reaction you don’t want or have to deal with when you’re at a haunted house.

It would ruin all of your fun so no. Trixie is definitely a character I’d never take into a haunted house with me!

What are some characters you wouldn’t take into a haunted house?

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