Books · Top 5 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 cozy fall reads

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! When I’m writing this, it’s a million degrees out but I hope that’s not the case when it’s posted. While I don’t consider fall one of my favorite seasons, I enjoy it. The air is brisk, the leaves are changing and it’s finally time for me to wear my favorite black boots. Plus that also means I can wear leggings every second I’m not at work 😀

This weeks prompt fits perfectly with that! If you’re interested in participating in Top 5 Tuesday, all you have do is write up your post and pingback to one of Shanah’s posts. Make sure you pingback to her posts and not just her blog so she can add you to the list.

Without further ado, let’s get into some books I think are cozy fall reads!!


5. The Hearts We Sold

When I think fall, I think either spooky/paranormal, cozy romances or mysteries. The Hearts We Sold fits into that first category. I don’t see a lot of people talking about this book but it’s all about a girl who sells her heart to a demon in exchange for tuition money.

A lot of other stuff happens, but it’s the perfect blend of scary/creepy without being too over-the-top. There’s also a romance so there’s a little something for everyone. If anything, I consider this a good read for fall especially if you’re looking for a quick read.


4. Caroline’s Heart

Weirdly, I didn’t pick up on these first two books featuring heart in the title. Anyways, I’m a huge fan of Austin Chant’s book and Caroline’s Heart is a quintessential fall read. Not only is it super atmospheric because it’s set in Texas in the 1800’s. It also features a witch and a cowboy too.

What makes this book stand out on my list is it features two trans MCs. It’s spooky and diverse, something most historical fictions leave out. Caroline’s Heart also has a romance so it’s sort of a cozy romance while still being a little spooky. Plus it’s really short, I think under 100 pages.


3. My Plain Jane

This is one of the newer releases on my list and I kind of wish I’d waited until fall to read it. It’s not exactly a summer book, better suited for fall. It’s a retelling of Jane Eyre which is already a creepy book. Add a twist of the Lady Janies and you have a creepy yet still fun read.

This book isn’t really creepy but has some creepy elements such as Mr. Rochester, his wife, and the ghost-hunting business. Overall, it’s an incredibly fun retelling of a classic story and I think it’s a great way to bundle up in some blankets and read.


2. Any of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s books

The first author I thought of when I saw this prompt was Taylor Jenkins Reid. There’s just something about the way she writes relationship. Everything about them is so cozy and warm to me. It’s like reading hot chocolate while you’re snuggled up in a blanket. Right now, she has 5 books out and I’ve read all but one.

If you’ve been on booktube or a book blog recently, then you’d know the hype for The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Easily my favorite has to be One True Loves but I also enjoyed Maybe in Another Life and After I Do. I have yet to read Forever Interrupted but I’ve heard good things about it.

If you’re just looking for some good romance, then check out Taylor Jenkins Reid!


1. The Stalking Jack the Ripper series

This is another book that popped into my mind as soon as I saw this prompt. Honestly, I feel like I keep saying this about almost all the books on my list. This book is super creepy and dark but still has a lightness to it. For Stalking Jack the Ripper, it comes in the form of a romance between Audrey Rose and Thomas.

The romance takes a backburner as the two partner up to figure out who Jack the Ripper really is. This book is a roller coaster with lots of creepy moments, creepy images and a lot of death. At times, it could be hard to read but I personally really enjoy how this book contrasts the two different plotlines.

If you need a new fall read, it’s the perfect time to binge this series! Escaping From Houdini aka the 3rd book in the series just came out!!!!!!

This might be one of my favorite Top 5 Tuesday posts I’ve written in forever. This was such an awesome prompt and I had no trouble coming up with answers. Plus I’m always down to hype some of these books up 🙂

What do you consider cozy fall reads? Any cozy fall books to recommend?!

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20 thoughts on “Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 cozy fall reads

  1. Ooh I’m glad to see My Plain Jane on here because I decided to save it for the Fall! It definitely seems like a great time to read it 🙂 Great list!!

    Liked by 1 person

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