
Are You Ready For Sweater Weather? The Autumn Tag

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! It’s been forever since I’ve done a book tag so I figured why not get back into it? I really do miss doing them and they’re a lot of fun even though sometimes, a lot of work too. Either way, I’m excited to jump back into them with the Autumn Tag which is perfect since October is the spooky season and is basically fall personified.

I was tagged by my lovely friend, Jenna to do this. You might know her from the buddy-reads we did or just from her blog. Either way, she’s great so check her out. This tag was created by Jenn so be sure to check her out, too! ❤

Hot Chocolate: What is your comfort book?


Of course, no one is surprised by this choice and my comfort book has to be Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills. I think I’ve read this book 3 times since I bought it and I honestly cannot get enough of it. I might have to reread it again before the year ends but it just makes me so happy. It has so many things I love: boy bands, best friends and a cute romance which is basically all I need in life. Lol

Pumpkin Carving: What is your favorite creative outlet?

For me, it has to be writing. Ever since my internship, I’ve always loved writing and seen it as a way to express myself. Of course, that’s part of the reason why I started this blog in the first place. I enjoy writing because I’m able to say whatever I want for the most part and there are other people who agree with me and will share what they think. I think that’s amazing.

Falling Leaves: Changes that appear bad, but you secretly love?

For this one, I’m going with something music-related. Even though it doesn’t always work, I love it when artists try to branch out to another genre or when they stay in the same genre but make completely different music. It’s even better when you love both types of music. Of course, an example has to be Joe Jonas when he was in the Jonas Brothers and then DNCE 😛

Pumpkin Spiced Latte: Something you love that others tend to judge

I really don’t need to say much more. Lmao

Bonfire Night: What makes you explode with joy?

For this one, I’m going with a few answers like Jenna did.

  • Winning my fantasy football matchup. This season has been crappy but I absolutely love winning so whenever I win, I’m always SUPER happy. Hopefully, I win this week but I doubt that. Lmao
  • When books have a well-developed romance. I read a lot of romance so I see the good, bad and ugly when it comes to relationships. However, sometimes a book will have such a stellar romance that it makes up for the crappy romances I’ve read.
  • My new Bath and Body Works candle. I absolutely love the Halloween scents from Bath and Bodyworks but none more than Vampire’s Blood. It’s like a plum scent according to the candle but I absolutely love it. It makes me so happy whenever I use my lotion or burn my candle.

Fright Night: Favorite scary film or book

Spoilers for a future “My Favorite” post but my favorite scary film has to be Nightmare on Elm Street. I look forward to watching it every year and even though it doesn’t scare me, I really do love it. There’s just something so nostalgic about it that makes me love it.

As for horror books, I’m going to go with the Stalking Jack the Ripper series. That series is one of my faves and I really do love it despite how scary it can be.

Halloween Candy: Favorite thing to eat

Tacos are my favorite thing ever and as some guy said to me once on a date, all you eat is meat, cheese, and bread. That’s exactly what tacos are and he was right.

Scarves: Your autumn must-have accessory

For me, I absolutely love wearing leggings and boots. That’s my go-to look for fall and I cannot get enough of them. When I’m not at work, that’s usually what I’m wearing and I’ll never get sick of it.

Fire: A book or film that burns your soul

As Jenna said, I’m going to say this is a positive burn.

Film: As far as movies go, I have a lot of movies that I enjoy. One film that really makes me happy is Beauty and the Beast. This movie has been my favorite since I was younger and I don’t miss an opportunity to watch it. I could probably list like 10 other Disney films but this one is my favorite.

Book: I’m going to go with a recent read and that’s Well Met by Jen DeLuca. This book was a major surprise for me and I absolutely loved it. There was just something about it that made me so happy. Not to mention that I finished it in a sitting or two so I couldn’t put it down. If you haven’t read it Well Met yet, it has an incredible romance, a unique setting and weaves in a compelling story of grief and love.

Toffee Apples: A book or film that seems one thing but really has a different inside

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While in a lot of ways, The Right Swipe is exactly as the cover suggests but in many ways, it’s not. This book does feature a cute romance between two people who represent dating apps. However, it’s also about deeper subjects such as grief, family, dealing with life after leaving your career and figuring out who you are outside of a said career. Honestly, this book was SO much more than I anticipated and it ended up falling in love with it.

I’m going to tag a few people that I think would enjoy this tag so here we go!

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13 thoughts on “Are You Ready For Sweater Weather? The Autumn Tag

  1. OoOOOohhhh!! 😱😱 I hadn’t heard of Foolish Hearts but you have read it THRICE?! 😍😍 Must be reallyy good! I will have to check it out!!

    AND Nightmare in Elm Street is my favorite as wellll!! 😍😍😍😍😱😱😱 AND YESSS TO ALL BATH AND BODY WORKS PRODUCTSS!


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  2. Aweeee … Thanks for the kind words, love! YAS! FOOLISH HEARTS!! I really want to re-read that one. I also love tacos. I just found this restaurant that makes fish tacos and they’re so goooooood. The Right Swipe looks cute and relevant to today! I’m definitely adding it to my Goodreads. Great answers, love!

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