
Blog All Day, Meme All Night book tag

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! Honestly, I could not be more excited for this week’s tag because it’s about memes. I’ve always loved the internet and one of my favorite things it’s birthed is memes. I’d love to kiss the person who made the first meme because they’re my life.

Anyways enough of me being a meme lord. That’s why I was so excited when Ally tagged me for this. Almost all of you probably know Ally because she’s one of my best blogging friends and she has that #bigdickenergy. Please check her out if you haven’t ❤

Yeet: Which book would you yeet out of existence?


I’ve talked about this book multiple times but it’s easily one of the worst books I was forced to read in college. It was just so pointless and I had no interest in learning about pragmatism and stream of consciousness. How could anyone read this for pleasure? It’s beyond me lol.

Crying Kim K: Which book gives you lots of feelings?

This gif is golden as is Kim’s crying face. Anyways, the book I chose was Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It’s technically a short story, but it gave me so many feelings. It was incredibly well-written and the plot-twist at the end blew me away. Plus all the nods to the ’70s were so cool to read about.

American, Explain: Favorite book set outside of the US?


Since I was tagged by Ally, I figured I’d feature this book. I had to read Half of a Yellow Sun in college and I loved it. Kind of the polar opposite to the first question, lol. Anyways if I remember right, this book is set in Nigeria and it’s such a wonderful yet tragic story.

RIP Vine: Your Saddest Character Death?

I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I’ll just say one of my new favorite books features a major character death and I’m still not over it.

What are Those?: A book that left you confused?


This book just confused me from start to finish. Mostly, I was confused as to why this girl who wrote fanfiction thought the creator/show/actors owed her something. I’m not sure why this girl felt so entitled for the two characters to be together. She just pissed me off for a majority of the book and I still can’t believe I read this??

Big Dick Energy: Your favorite character with BDE?


Zarin from A Girl Like That has major big dick energy. Girl straight up does not give a fuck. She does what she wants with who she wants and lives her life with no regrets. I didn’t enjoy this book as much but I loved Zarin as a character.

I Won’t Hesitate Bitch: Favorite book with a morally grey protagonist?


The one that jumped out to me is Elizabeth from The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein. She’s one of those characters who want to root for but you kind of wish for her downfall, too? I don’t know, maybe that was just me but I loved her and hated her at the same time lol.

Move, I’m Gay: Favorite book featuring a lgbtqia+ romance 


I feel like I’m talking in circles here because I’ve discussed how much I love Austin Chant’s works. He’s a trans author so his books always feature trans characters and usually a romance. My new favorite is Caroline’s Heart as the two MCs are both trans and they fall in love. I think he does a good job of showing how their relationship and feelings progress.

Street Smarts: Favorite book featuring a protagonist whose strength is their intelligence 


For this one, I’m going with Jane from My Lady Jane. Jane is super smart and uses it to her advantage. Under pressure, she’s the perfect person to calm everyone down and come up with a plan. If I remember correctly, she helps in coming up with a plan to save the kingdom.

Alexa Play Despacito: A character death you were happy about 


I won’t give any spoilers, but there’s one character death in here and I loved it. I was so happy that the monster was happy. It was just disappointing to see it come at such a high cost to others.

Then Perish: A book you DNFed

I honestly can’t think of one! There are plenty of books I wish I would’ve DNFed but I can’t think of one off the top of my head.

Kermit Sipping Tea: A book that makes a statement


This book makes a lot of statements. It focuses on so many issues including police brutality, racism, white privilege, the Black Lives Matter movement, and grief. That’s just a small sample of what this book covers. It’s just such an incredible read and I wish I could throw it in everyone’s hands to read.

Same Hat: The character you relate to the most?


Marion from If You Come Softly. I related to her so much especially in her love for Jeremiah, the insecurity she felt and how she wasn’t sure how her family would react. It reminded me so much of the early days of my relationship and I felt so seen.

Oh Worm: A book you didn’t expect to love?


The book I’m going with is How It Feels to Fly. This book is all about athletes who go to a camp to help with their mental health. I honestly picked this book up on a whim and didn’t give it much thought. Thank goodness I did since I loved it. It was such a unique story focused on athletes and one I wish we’d see more of in both YA and adult literature.

Shrek: Favorite book featuring a mythical creature?


Harry Potter is known for having lots of mythical creatures. After a little bit of research, I finally decided on one. The one I’m going with is the pygmy puff. They’re just so cute and they were created by the Weasley Brothers. There’s no way they wouldn’t be favorite!

I’m feeling lazy today so I’m not tagging anyone 😛

However, I do want to know what your favorite meme is right now? My favorite is probably this one.

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