Books · Top 5 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 book titles

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! It’s time for the first Top 5 Tuesday post of December and I can’t wait to get into this week’s topic. Each week, Shanah always comes up with such unique topics and this one is especially cool. As readers, we talk about books all the time but rarely about their titles.

If you’re interested in participating in Top 5 Tuesday, all you have do is write up your post and pingback to one of Shanah’s posts. Make sure you pingback to her posts and not just her blog so she can add you to the list.


5. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)

If there’s one person who is great at coming up with book titles, it’s celebrities. Each time a celebrity releases a memoir, the title is always unique. There are tons of them out there now but my favorite is easily Mindy Kaling’s. I actually preferred her second book but one of my favorite book titles is Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns). 

Let’s be real, that’s just a relatable title. I’m sure all of us have felt like that at some point and Mindy put into words. Even though it’s hard to relate to celebrities, I relate to Mindy a lot and this title is part of the reason why.

4. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

I’m sure a lot of people will feature this one on their list, but I had to include it. Taylor Jenkins Reid really hit it out of the park with this title and this book. If anything, the title sets you up for something completely different than the book is. In a way, it does that but still features what the title says.

If you’ve read the book, then you know. Either way, this title is intriguing especially if you’ve never read it. It leaves you guessing at who the husbands are, who Evelyn is and why she was married so many times. Also if you haven’t read this book, please do! ❤


3. The Smell of Other People’s Houses

No way I couldn’t include one of my favorites on the list! I loved The Smell of Other People’s Houses when I read it the first time and I can’t wait to read it again. That being said, I didn’t pick it up because of the title but the content inside. Either way, this is one of the most interesting titles I’ve ever encountered.

Honestly, I still don’t understand the significance of the title. Maybe upon a reread, I will but it leaves an air of mystery. There’s just so many questions you can have surrounding the title and I think the book answers them. That’s so bad but it’s been over a year since I’ve read it lol.


2. Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay

This is definitely one of my favorite non-fiction reads of 2018. After Kayla told me about Phoebe Robinson writing another book, I had to pick it up. Thankfully, hibooks had it and I was able to listen to it (when I could still listen…oops). If you plan on reading this, definitely check out the audiobook.

Anyways, I love the title for this book. Robinson has a knack for coming up with amazing titles and this one is my favorite. It’s basically the perfect way to describe the last two years in the US. Plus she references it a few times in the book, too. This title is just great.


1. Things That Make White People Uncomfortable

Do I even need to explain this one??? Michael Bennett essentially killed it with this title and I still haven’t recovered. This book is a memoir of sorts but also an informative book as well. Honestly, I can’t recommend this book highly enough and I love it so much ❤ It’s also super short if you need a quick read to beat your Goodreads goal. 😉

Those are just some of my favorite books titles! What are some of yours?

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