
Mystery Blogger Awards 3 and 4

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! Sunday is tag day and today, I’m combining 2 Mystery Blogger Awards. I know this is gonna be a  long post so let’s get into it!

I was nominated twice and I’m so grateful!! I was first nominated by Crystal of Paper Royalty. Crystal’s blog has the best aesthetic and we have very similar tastes so I trust her book recommendations if you’re looking for more. 🙂

I was also nominated by Kristina of Kristina Reads. I always look forward to her Top 5 Tuesday posts and her book recommendations. She reads different books than I do so I get some really different recommendations.


1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog.
3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well. (Maggie @okoto enigmas blog)
4. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
5. Nominate 10-20 people.
6. Notify your nominees.
7. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, specifying one weird/funny question.
8. Share a link to your best post(s).

I’m going to include 6 things about me and then get to the questions!

  • I have a vast collection of Wonder Woman merchandise. I have tons of Funko pops, mugs, figurines, and t-shirts. I started to get obsessed a year or two before the movie was released.
  • One compliment I always get is about the color of my eyes. I think they’re just plain hazel but multiple people at work and my boyfriend always comment on how pretty they are.
  • I’m obsessed with the Baja Blast Mountain Dew from Taco Bell. They released it 2 years ago and have now brought it back. I’ve been trying to drink a can a day which is bad but still so good.
  • I’m afraid of birds and clowns. I haven’t ever had a bad experience so it’s a very irrational fear but they scare me to death.
  • Despite my fear of birds, one of my favorite places to go is the zoo. Even though they’re not always on the up and up, I love looking at animals and spending the day there.
  • I’ve recently started watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I’ve only watched the first season, but it’s everything I didn’t know I needed. I’m also #trash for Fox.

Crystal’s Questions:

1. Where did your blog name come from?

This is a really fun question considering I just changed it. I knew I wanted to include my name on my blog and something bookish. Thus “bookishlyrebecca” was born. 🙂

2. What is your most anticipated read of the year?

Escaping from Houdini (Stalking Jack the Ripper #3)

This is a tough question, but I have SO many books I’m looking forward to. Escaping from Houdini is at the top of my list for now.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Not to sound cheesy, but I’d live anywhere as long as I was with my boyfriend. I enjoy being with him so anywhere with him is good. That being said, I’m going with California because that’s where he is 😛

4. What is your favorite hobby, besides reading?

Writing! Writing has always been one of my favorite things and I get the privilege of writing for two awesome blogs. Obviously, I write everything on this blog too. It can be hard to juggle sometimes, but I love it.

5. What is your favorite cheesy joke?

“My sister bet me I couldn’t make a car out of spaghetti….you should’ve seen her face as a I drove pasta.”

Kristina’s questions:

1. What book would you re-write if you could, and why? What would you change?

The book I’d rewrite is A Season of Daring Greatly by Ellen Emerson White. It focuses on the first female MLB player. I’d focus less on her time in the minors and talk about her time in the majors including the sexism, the pressure and how she deals with life on such a huge stage.

2. If you could only read one author for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?

This is a tough one between Emma Mills and Jason Reynolds. However, I’m going with Jason Reynolds because he has more books published. He’s branched out into different genres, tells diverse stories and is constantly publishing new content.

3. Who is your ideal book spouse (character in a book you would marry) and why?


Grip from Kennedy Ryan’s series, Grip. He’s not only described as incredibly attractive but smart, sweet and patient. He waited around for years to be with one girl and proved how loyal some men are. Plus in the book, he’s extremely powerful so hopefully, he’ll find me a journalism job too :P.

4. What was your favorite book when you were in middle school, and why?


Could it be anything else? I don’t remember if this came out when I was in middle school or high school. Much like every other teenage girl, I was obsessed with it.

5. If you had to be the SIDEKICK in any book/series, who would it be and why?


At first, I was going to go with Harry Potter. Instead, I decided on the novelization of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As for sidekicks, I’d want to be bb8. I love him so much in the movies and I’d love to be him omg.



My Questions:

  1. What is your favorite song right now?
  2. At what point do you decide how many stars you give a book?
  3. Who are some of your favorite bloggers?
  4. What book/books do you wish would be adapted?
  5. Do you like Ed Sheeran?

Besides my “bookish Superbowl” post, my other favorite post is my Feminist Lit Feb post about childhood characters who inspired me as a feminist. It was so fun and nice to look back at certain characters/books.


21 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Awards 3 and 4

  1. Thanks so much for tagging me!! 💛
    It’s sweet that you’d go anywhere your boyfriend was, I feel the same about my boyfriend. I’d follow that fool anywhere 😊


  2. Oh my Gosh that joke was bomb and I am definitely stealing it! Also nooooo you can’t be trash for Fox, they cancel everything that is good in life! Also x2 OMG YOU’RE WATCHING BROOKLYN NINE-NINE ❤️❤️❤️
    I can totally relate to the Twilight obsession and who wouldn’t want to be BB8?? He’s kind of the best??
    Thank you for nominating me btw Rebecca! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yessss I think I saw it on Tumblr and it’s been with me ever since haha.

      I know!!!! Fox cancels almost all the shows I love and after B99, I might have to unstan them. BB8 is great (that rhymes and he is still awesome!)

      You’re welcome! As usual, you’re my fave ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    also I have hazel eyes too??????? I love hazel because in certain lights it can look like brown or green or blue, it all just depends and it's so lovely ❤


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