
The Friendship Profile Challenge

Hello friends and fellow book lovers! I’m finally getting around to do this challenge and there is no better time. I can honestly say that I’m SO happy to have the friends that I do. I don’t know if I could’ve gotten through this breakup without them. Not to mention the reunion of the Jonas Brothers. I AM TRULY LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, I decided to finally do the Friendship Profile Challenge. This was created by Mandy & Sha from the Book Princess Reviews. They’re some of my favorite bloggers and friends. Please show them some love if you haven’t ❤ ❤


  • Tag the creators @bookprincessreviews
  • Make the pledge that ✋ you are interested in making new blogger friends
  • Answer each question as fully as you want
  • Tag at least two other bloggers you want to get to know better


Name: Rebecca/Becca
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

✋ My name is Rebecca, and I’m interested in making new blogger friends.

I enjoy: (check all that apply)
☐ Twitter chats  ☐ Insta chats ☑️ Wordpress comment threads
☐ Other:

Expand on that! (optional): 
Even though I have a Twitter, I don’t get on it much. I might post a tweet or two a month but that’s about it. I’d rather just talk on WordPress or my Instagram DMs if you want to. 🙂

I like to talk about: Books, Taco Bell, Jonas Brothers, Ariana Grande, the NFL and all types of writing. Honestly, I’ll pretty much talk about anything as long as the person I’m talking to is interested. On the other hand, I also consider myself a great listener. 🙂

Conversation Starters: What’s your favorite Jonas Brothers song? or basically, anything to do with books 😛

Find me on Twitter & Goodreads

Tag! You’re It


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